Did you know that you can whip up Natural Teething Remedies for babies and toddlers in less than 5 minutes with safe options? It’s true, you can!
I’m guessing if you are reading this you are trying to get a head start on stocking your wellness cabinet or you have been up with a little teether who isn’t feeling well.
These options can be pretty simple, I promise!
I am not a doctor. I am just a Mama who loves finding natural options for her family. My education on oils is how our family has used these over the years and the benefits we have seen. You are the gatekeeper of your home and know your family so please keep that in mind while following us on this journey. Also, when speaking about essential oils, we use Young Living in our family and have for over seven years. These are the oils that I have researched and feel comfortable with for our family. Not all oils are created equal and I talk more about that here.
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What are teething symptoms?
Teething symptoms can range, and each child is different. Some can have low fevers, some may start to drool more, some may even start pulling on their ears. They may have swollen gums, start trying to chew or bite on anything and everything, and just be fussy for what may seem no visible reason. Others may have a decrease in appetite while others may want to nurse frequently (if nursed).
Easy to tell what’s going on huh? I have learned with four kiddos over the last decade that anything is fair game. All kids are different and what symptoms one may have had another may have completely different ones.
What are the different options for natural remedies for teething babies?
DIY Teething Balm
This is one that I swear by. I have used this for all four of my babies and I can’t imagine not having it. It is a blend of raw unrefined coconut oil, clove essential oil and copaiba essential oil.
I typically make this up within the first couple months after they are born so at the first signs of needing it, I have it ready to go.
Make sure that you are only using pure essential oils. I have a whole post explaining the importance of that here. This is very important when using essential oils internally and especially with infants and babies.
Amber Teething Necklace
Another thing that we have had for each of our kiddos as soon as they were born pretty much is an Amber Teething Necklace. A couple notes on these. You want to make sure it is Raw Baltic Amber, that there are safety knots in between each of the beads and that it is measured correctly, not being too tight but not being too big to slip over their head.
This is a to each their own with what you feel comfortable with. You know your baby best. I started using these on my kiddos around 3 months old during the day only. Once they gained complete control of the neck and could sit up, then we didn’t remove them. The constant heat of the body activates the amber to help to reduce pain, fever and drool associated with teething.
It’s also a plus that Baltic Amber helps with general inflammation, fevers and immune support!
These amazing little beads release microscopic amounts of oil as it warms against the body that is absorbed into the skin and bloodstream. Baltic Amber contains succinic acid which is an anti-fever and anti-inflammatory. This is the compound that gives Baltic Amber it’s therapeutic quality!
Make sure that you are getting a quality, Genuine Baltic Amber teething necklace. We have purchased several from here and love them!
Cucumbers or Celery
It doesn’t have to be complicated. You can toss them in the freezer or pull straight from the fridge.
The celery you literally just need to clean and cut into a size the baby can grip and let them chew and suck on them.
For the cucumbers I would peel them unless they grew in our own garden and take the seeds out. You can cut them into about one inch thick pieces for them to hold on to. The pressure and the cool of the veggie helps a lot! You can even sprinkle some Celtic Salt on them to support their mineral intake!
Just be sure to always keep an eye on them when teething on foods. They have so much fun playing with foods!
Fresh Food Teethers
These are another favorite, and one of the ways our kiddos tried A LOT of different foods from the get-go. You can toss in a frozen strawberry, a handful of blueberries, carrots, bell peppers, etc… whatever you want them to try.
It can get a bit messy but it’s so fun watching them try new foods this way!
Frozen foods always last longer and can help soothe the gums as well.
Frozen Washcloths
These are always easy to have on hand. I always like the soft terry cloth baby washcloths. Wet them down, wring out and toss in the freezer.
These were great in the summer!
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I hope you and your little one get some relief! Please reach out if you have any questions!
These are the oils our family has used for years (and that we know are safe for the uses mentioned above).
Check out some other related posts!
Natural Bug Spray – Why ingredients are important
Why Does It Matter Which Essential Oils I Use?
Lemon Essential Oil- Uses and Benefits
Peppermint Essential Oil – Uses and Benefits
Lavender Essential Oil – Uses and Benefits
DIY Natural Teething Balm for Babies
If you try this recipe and love it, I would love if you could come back and give it 5 stars! I’d love for you to follow along @julie.naturallychaotic over on Instagram for more of our day to day!
Thanks for stopping by, see you next time!