Valor Essential Oil – Uses and Benefits

Valor Essential Oil held in hand with a white cloth behind.

Valor essential oil has so many uses and benefits! Great for emotions, moods, pregnancy and it smells amazing! It is not a common one that most know about but it is one of my favorites! Sometimes you may purchase an essential oil for one reason only to find out they have a whole list of other ways that you can incorporate them into your day and fall in love with new ways to use it.

Like I said unless you are familiar with Valor specifically, you have probably not heard of it. I had no clue what it was when I was first introduced but it quickly became a favorite during my pregnancy season of life. Now it’s not just for pregnancy and we still use it all the time. It is fantastic for emotions especially for kiddos, it is one that you want in your wellness cabinet! Let’s take a closer look at what all Valor essential oil can do for you!

A couple things before we get started. I am not a doctor, I am just a Mama who loves finding natural options for her family. My education on oils is how our family has used these over the years and the benefits we have seen. You are the gatekeeper of your home and know your family so please keep that in mind while following us on this journey. Also, when speaking about essential oils, we use Young Living in our family and have for over six years. These are the oils that I have researched and feel comfortable with for our family. Not all oils are created equal.

Valor essential oil held in front of essential oils on wooden shelf on wall

More details on Valor essential oil:

Valor is a blend of Black Spruce, Camphor (Ho Wood), Blue Tansy, Frankincense and Geranium essential oils.

It also contains anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidative, emotion supporting, disease inhibitory, muscle and bone supporting, calming, organ protective, pain or swelling reducing and skin and hair improving properties. This one little bottle packs quite a punch!

Now for the best part… learning about all the ways you can use this oil.

Valor Essential Oils with plants the make it up.
Image from Young Living

How to use Valor essential oil:

Aromatically – This is one of the most popular ways to use essential oils. By diffusing it, you will not only have a wonderful smell but will have aromatherapy benefits as well. You can also make up a room-spray, drop it straight on linens, or clothing for the aromatic benefits. My other favorite way is to drop a drop or two of my favorite scent and scrunch it into my hair for a subtle natural perfume.

Topically – Valor is amazing to use topically. It is gentle enough to use neat (directly on the skin). When applying topically for emotions, applying it to the neck so it’s easier to smell is very beneficial. You can also use on pressure points as well or on the wrist as a perfume. If you use it like I did for pregnancy (back pain and back labor) I applied it directly to my lower back. My husband also  just held it under my nose so I could just smell it. This is one of my favorite ways to use it for big emotions in little kiddos too!

Not all essential oils are created equally. There are several things to consider, the brand itself, the growing process and distillation process. When I speak of using oils, Young Living are the only oils I have used on myself or my family medicinally or during pregnancy and labor. I go more into detail here on the things to consider and questions to ask when purchasing essential oils.

Valor essential oil held in hand

What is Valor essential oil used for?

These are some of our favorite ways to use Valor essential oil:

There are so many ways to use this oil but these are some of our families’ favorites and other popular ways to use it.

  • Diffuse for emotional support
  • Provides courage and confidence
  • Initiates calm and improves mood
  • Relaxing to leg muscles
  • Soothing to jaw and other joints
  • Excellent for snorers
  • Great for a pre-workout
  • Supports restful sleep
  • Great for memory support
  • Calming for babies and kids
  • Amazing for back labor
  • Known as chiropractor in a bottle
  • Great for back pain in pregnancies
  • Great for skin


Valor Essential Oil Uses and Benefits - Roller and Essential Oil

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How to make roller bottles with Valor essential oil:

Roller bottles are one of the easiest ways to use your essential oils. If you need rollers to dilute, I love these and these!

  1. Add 15-20 drops of Valor essential oil to a 10ml roller bottle. 
  2. Top with your favorite carrier oil. My favorite for roller bottles is either V6 from Young Living or Fractionated coconut oil
  3. Shake your roller bottle and use as needed.

Apply to pulse points, sides of the neck, or any area of concern.

Three Empty Roller Bottles with dried flowers

Valor Essential Oil Roller Recipes

Liquid Calm

This one is amazing for those with anxiety and for anyone with big emotions (even kiddos)

  • 50 drops Lavender
  • 35 drops Valor
  • 30 drops Stress Away
  • 15 Patchouli
  • 15 Vetiver


This is also a calming/relaxing blend but it doubles as a fantastic perfume as well!!!

  • 15 drops Clary Sage
  • 15 drops Lavender
  • 15 drops Ylang Ylang
  • 25 drops Valor
  • 10 drops Vetiver

These are both made with a 10 ml roller bottle like the ones I linked above, you fill with your essential oils and then top with your favorite carrier oil.

What are your favorite ways to use Valor? This oil, just like the others can do so much! It is one that I always have on hand!

These are the oils our family has used for years (and that we know are safe for the uses mentioned above).

Remember, I am not a doctor, I am just a Mama who loves to share natural options that we use for ourselves and our kiddos that we have found works for us. I hope they can help you too! I’d love for you to follow along on Instagram @naturallychaoticlifestyle or Facebook at Naturally Chaotic for more of our day to day!

Thanks for stopping by, see you next time!

You Can Learn More About Other Essential Oils Here!

Lavender Essential Oil Uses and Benefits
Valor Essential Oil Uses and Benefits
Peppermint Essential Oil Uses and Benefits
Thieves Essential Oil Uses and Benefits
Lemon Essential Oil Uses and Benefits
9 Things to Know About Essential Oils
Why Does It Matter Which Essential Oils I Use?
A Beginners Guide to Essential Oils : The Basics 101

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1 Comment

  1. I LOVE valor essential oil! The scent is so calming! Great post!

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