Thieves Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

Thieves Essential Oil on saucer with decorative gold

Thieves essential oil is one of the top oils to have on hand at all times, its uses and benefits for immune support are amazing! The individual essential oils that the Thieves blend is made up of is a powerhouse for keeping our bodies healthy and it doesn’t hurt that it smells like a cozy warm cup of chia either. Thieves is one of the main oils in my wellness cabinet and a MUST have for the winter months and for supporting the whole family’s immune system.

Just a couple things before we get started. I am not a doctor, I am just a Mama who loves finding natural options for her family. My education on oils is how our family has used these over the years and the benefits we have seen. You are the gatekeeper of your home and know your family so please keep that in mind while following us on this journey. Also, when speaking about essential oils, we use Young Living in our family and have for over six years. These are the oils that I have researched and feel comfortable with for our family. Not all oils are created equal.

Thieves Essential Oil and Thieves Roller on a decorative net

More details on Thieves essential oil blend:

The Thieves essential oil blend was created based on a historical account that took place in France in the 14th century. Thieves protected themselves from the Black Plague by covering their mouths with fabric that had been soaked in a solution steeped of cloves, rosemary, cinnamon and other botanicals while robbing victims that had perished due to the killer disease. When captured, they were offered a lighter sentence for exchange of their secret for not getting sick. Young Livings proprietary blend of Thieves essential oil includes clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon and Eucalyptus Radiata and is specially blended to offer a similar defense. Thieves has been university tested and found to be very effective against airborne bacteria.

Thieves is THE oil for Immune Support. This is the one that you want to incorporate into your daily routine to give your body a little extra boost and it is also the first one to grab when your defenses go down.

Fun Fact: Thieves was one of the first essential oil blend that Young Living released when the company was founded in 1993. It is so good that there was entire product line built around it and it is one of the easiest ways to make the swap to a low-tox lifestyle! Bonus is that several of the products in that bundle can be hacked since they are in a concentrated form making them stretch further!

Use caution when applying Thieves topically. The oils that make up the blend is potent and can be spicy to the skin so I always suggest to dilute before applying topically. Simply add a fatty carrier oil like this to the skin first or I will explain how to make up a roller for easy application further in this post.

What are the Key Constituents in Thieves essential oil blend:

A constituent is a component or a part of something and each essential oil has a different chemistry or makeup that it is composed of.

Thieves main constituents are Eugenol, Eucalyptol and Linalool. 

Eugenol is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as well as being antimicrobial.

Eucalyptol has a calming effect when applied in aromatherapy and is also known to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial properties as well as support airway openings.

Linalool is known to support stress relief and uplift mood and emotions.

How to use Thieves essential oil blend:

Aromatically – This is one of the most popular ways to use essential oils. By diffusing it, you will not only have a wonderful smell but will have aromatherapy benefits as well. You can also make up a room-spray, drop it straight on linens or clothing for the aromatic benefits. The molecular components of essential oils are very tiny, allowing them to easily disperse into the air. 

Topically – Thieves is considered a spicy essential oil and should be diluted with a carrier oil when applied to the skin.

Thieves essential oil is amazing to make up in the form of a roller and apply DAILY as a preventative for the immune system to the spine and/or bottoms of the feet. We will talk more about making a roller in just a few.

Internally – You can add Thieves essential oil to a veggie capsule and take with a large glass of water. You can also add a drop to your favorite cup of tea or coffee!

Please note, there are several things to consider when using essential oils, especially internally. The brand itself, the growing process and distillation process all make a huge difference in the quality of the oils. When I speak of using oils internally, Young Living are the only oils I have used on myself or my family internally.

Thieves Vitality essential oil with white pumpkins on a fuzzy blanketPhoto Credit: LifeSteps App

What all can Thieves essential oil be used for?

These are some of our favorite ways to use Thieves essential oil:

There are so many ways to use this oil but these are some of our families favorites and other popular ways to use it.

Immune Support and Prevention

Apply daily to the spine and/or bottoms of feet.

Immune Support at Night

Diffuse overnight for easy extra support while sleeping.

Sore Throat

Mix one drop with a tablespoon of water, gargle and swallow. You can also add a drop to warm tea with honey and lemon to sip on.

Air Quality

Diffuse in your home anytime anyone is under the weather or to be proactive to keep the air quality clean.

Lung Congestion

Diffuse and inhale the vapors over the diffuser to help with lung support.

Healthy Teeth and Gums

Apply a drop to your toothpaste for gum support.

Air Freshener

Diffuse to freshen and clean the air. 

Cold Sores

Apply one drop to affected area. If it is too potent or spicy you can apply with a small drop of a carrier oil as well.

Environment Support

Diffuse anytime you have a large gathering to offer extra support.

Cough Relief

Mix with a teaspoon of honey to soothe a cough.


Add a few drops to a veggie capsule anytime you fall below the wellness line. You can also use this as a preventative too.


Pack that diffuser with you anytime you travel to support the body.

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How to make roller bottles with Thieves essential oil:

Roller bottles are one of the easiest ways to use your essential oils. If you need rollers to dilute, I love these and these!

  1. Add 30 drops of Thieves essential oil to a 10ml roller bottle. 
  2. Top with your favorite carrier oil. My favorite for roller bottles is either V6 from Young Living or Fractionated coconut oil
  3. Shake your roller bottle and use as needed, applying to the spine and/or bottoms of the feet.

Clear Essential Oil roller bottles on wooden surface with yellow flowers in background


Thieves Essential Oil Roller Recipes

Daily Immune Support Roller

  • 30 drops Thieves
  • 10 drops Frankincense
  • Top with your favorite carrier oil

Wellness Roller

  • 30 drops Thieves
  • 15 drops Oregano
  • 10 drops Frankincense
  • Top with your favorite carrier oil


Can Thieves help with a cold or the flu?

Yes! The oils that are in the Thieves blend can help support the body with prevention of viruses. This does not mean you will never get sick. But it can help greatly in preventing and also in relieving symptoms if you do fall under the wellness line.

Does Thieves essential oil kill germs?

It can! Being that the oils that make up the Thieves blend have antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties which is fantastic!

Can I use Thieves on my babies and kiddos?

You get to make that decision. I have used Thieves around my babies and kiddos regularly. I do dilute it more for littles though and if diffusing just make sure that they aren’t in a closed up room. It is very helpful for immune support for kids!

Can I diffuse Thieves around my pets?

I personally only have dogs but I know several with cats as well that diffuse daily. Always give your animal a way to get away if they don’t like the smell but Thieves is amazing for their immune systems too!

Can I use Thieves when pregnant?

Again, you get to make that decision. I have used it through multiple pregnancies to keep my immune system in tip top shape and it has served me well!

Learn about other essential oils and their benefits too!

Lavender Essential Oil Uses and Benefits
Peppermint Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

What are your favorite ways to use Thieves? This oil, just like the others can do so much! This is our top one for immune support for our family!

These are the oils our family has used for years (and that we know are safe for the uses mentioned above).

Remember, I am not a doctor, I am just a Mama who loves to share natural options that we use for ourselves and our kiddos that we have found works for us. I hope they can help you too! I’d love for you to follow along on more of our day to day on Instagram @naturallychaoticlifestyle!

Thanks for stopping by, see you next time!

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